Textile Works

Envios/Encargos (2023)

Envios/Encargos (2023)

Suitcase sculpture with found objects and printed cotton 

15” x 18” x 20”

Tio Jaime (Portrait of a Banana Farmer)

Tio Jaime (Portrait of a Banana Farmer)

Coffee, printed cotton, chiffon

60x42 inches


Campo (Pulmón de la Tierra)

Campo (Pulmón de la Tierra)

Printed cotton on canvas, found fabric, glazed stoneware

25.5x50 in.


Tale As Old As Time (Reflejo), 2022

Tale As Old As Time (Reflejo), 2022

Assemblage on found object

Escapulario I (2023)

Escapulario I (2023)

Coffee, printed cotton, found objects

28x22 in. (dimensions vary)

The Embrace (2023)

The Embrace (2023)

Coffee, iron, printed cotton, chiffon and found fabric

84” x 132”

A Mountain is a Scar (Story of When The Earth Collided), 2024

A Mountain is a Scar (Story of When The Earth Collided), 2024

Coffee, iron, printed cotton

28.5x46 in.

Entre Cables Encuentras Oro (American Dream/Nightmare), 2023

Entre Cables Encuentras Oro (American Dream/Nightmare), 2023

Between Cords You’ll Find Gold (American Dream/Nightmare)

Printed cotton, embroidery, beads

Todo El Cielo Cabe En Una Maleta (2023)

Todo El Cielo Cabe En Una Maleta (2023)

(The whole sky fits in a suitcase)

Suitcase sculpture with found objects and printed cotton

24” x 18” x 21”

Oro, Barro, Tierra (Gold, Clay, Land)

Oro, Barro, Tierra (Gold, Clay, Land)


Ink, printed cotton, beaded earrings

Remnants (Lo Que Quedo)

Remnants (Lo Que Quedo)

Si Dios Quiere (2023)

Si Dios Quiere (2023)

Printed cotton, coffee, terracotta, wood

Dimensions vary

28” x 22” (pendant size)

Bendiciones (Celebramos Sin Ti), 2022

Bendiciones (Celebramos Sin Ti), 2022

28x24 in.

Coffee, printed cotton, and found objects

Llamada Internacional I (Left)

Llamada Internacional I (Left)

Quilt soft sculpture

52” x 20”


Condor (Who Will Save Us?), 2023

Condor (Who Will Save Us?), 2023

65x33 in.

Assemblage with printed cotton, rosaries

Antes de Muerte (Before Death), 2023

Antes de Muerte (Before Death), 2023

After Death I

After Death I



After Death II

After Death II



El Desentierro (Unearthing), 2022

El Desentierro (Unearthing), 2022

32x22 inches

Assemblage with printed cotton and beaded necklace

Fin de Semana (The Weekend)

Fin de Semana (The Weekend)


Printed satin with embroidery

36x24 in.

Llamada Internacional II (Right)

Llamada Internacional II (Right)

Quilt soft sculpture

52” x 20”


What the Water Gave Me (After Frida), 2022

What the Water Gave Me (After Frida), 2022

54x32 inches

Assemblage with printed cotton and beads

Religion, Cafe, y Banano (Roban y Regalan Bala), 2021

Religion, Cafe, y Banano (Roban y Regalan Bala), 2021

Religion, Coffee, Banana (They rob us and gift us bullets)

Untitled (Nostalgia)

Untitled (Nostalgia)


part of Simmons University Collection

La Silla del Abuelo en el Barrio San Jose (2022)

La Silla del Abuelo en el Barrio San Jose (2022)

Abuelo’s chair in Barrio San Jose

Coffee, printed cotton, my fathers wallet, found objects

38x32 in

Un Sabado En Agosto (A Saturday in August) (2022)

Un Sabado En Agosto (A Saturday in August) (2022)

32x28 in.

Assemblage on raw canvas over tablecloth

Quiero Una Casa (I Want A House), 2022

Quiero Una Casa (I Want A House), 2022


thread and digitally printed cotton on canvas with raw edge

Entre Las Cenizas Hay Machetes (Beneath the Ashes There are Machetes), 2021

Entre Las Cenizas Hay Machetes (Beneath the Ashes There are Machetes), 2021

printed cotton with beaded embellishments

part of a private collection

Homenaje a Joaquin Guillermo (An Ode to Billy), 2021

Homenaje a Joaquin Guillermo (An Ode to Billy), 2021

Chiquita, Picosa, y Peligrosa (2021)

Chiquita, Picosa, y Peligrosa (2021)

Untitled (Descanso), 2021

Untitled (Descanso), 2021

mixed media assemblage on printed satin

Aqui/Alla (Flag), 2019-2021

Aqui/Alla (Flag), 2019-2021

part of a private collection

"Quisiera Poder Tocarte" (2020)

"Quisiera Poder Tocarte" (2020)

"Siento Un Vacio (Sin Ti)" (2020)

"Siento Un Vacio (Sin Ti)" (2020)

digitally printed chiffon fabric with embroidered text

Noche Buena (2020)

Noche Buena (2020)

digitally printed cotton on canvas

part of a private collection